Surendra Kumar Mehta. JAIPUR (RAJASTHAN) INDIA, November 18, 2005
Was Diagnosed in 1998 with 95% block in RCA, 50% in Proximal, with normal LAD. Cardio at JAIPUR advised PTCA. Friend Cardio in Delhi advised to remain on medication because of following reasons:
1. I am purely asymptomatic. No angina or other symptoms felt during last 30 years.
2. Not obese. Vegetarian. Life style non sedentary. Taking medication: Angispan 2.5 TDS, Cipril 5mg, Ecosprin 75mg OD, Glycomet 850 BD. Glizid 80 OD (for DM) Cardioplus.
Recently have gone through many newspaper reports regarding possibility of SILENT HEART ATTACK TO DIABETIC TYPE II PATIENTS.
1 Should I undergo Thalium Scan test to find out the extent of damage if any, to heart muscles?
2. If there is not substantial damage to heart muscles, due to collaterals being developed, should I continue further with the medicines only?
3. If no damage to Muscles is found, and I don't go for PTCA, what guarantee is there against any heart attack, if the portion of block in RCA is broken and passed on with the blood flow.
4. If now, I decide to for PTCA kindly advise for the type of Drug eluting Stent to be used? Kindly advise.

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• You state you are asymptomatic and a Diabetic. Well, perhaps I should enlighten you. Up until my heart seized up, I thought I was ASYMPTOMATIC! Actually, all the way up until 4 days after it halted in the middle of some enjoyable excercise! I apologize for not being able to tell if you are a female or a male by your name and I would hate to assume either way. So, if you are a female, you may never get a "sign" until you see yourself floating away from your body. . .(depending on your belief in the after life). If you are a Male, men tend to ignore the signs and explain them away as other than having a heart problem. The Thalium test is not as accurate as an angiogram, and for some, it is the only viable way to get the best picture. Perhaps you do have collaterals that have been carrying you up until now, and you have not yet challenged your heart to the point where the current blood supply lines are unable to support the load. No way would you want to find out "that way" if all is okay OR NOT! 20/20 hindsight allowed me to see where I made many excuses over a 6 month period for the things I was feeling . . . and each one avoided the real culprit, which was my heart. 15 coronary stents later, here I am and able to tell with pretty clear accuracy when my heart is having a problem. . .(knock on wood). It's a learning experience for some, and it's a death sentence for others. . . play it safe, get it checked and learn the signs. I have 3 types of Stents . . . Plain, Cypher and Taxus . . . so far, one Cypher stent has developed restinosis . . . Good luck
RayZ, San Diego CA, December 01, 2005

• There is a wonderful, new book out called "Heal Your Heart with EECP" by Debra Braverman, M.D., which can be ordered through This is a non-invasive treatment for angina from blockages and for congestive heart failure that is becoming increasingly popular in India. Very safe. Relatively inexpensive. Also known as ECP which stands for External Counterpulsation. There is a cardiologist in New Delhi with whom you may wish to consult. His name is Kulwant Sharma., M.D., and his email is He has successfully treated over 200 heart disease patients with this treatment and has tracked their progress for over 2 years. Four patients died, 3 from accidents and 1 from a malignancy as best as I recall. He is quite convinced of the merits ot this new technology which most other cardiologists still do not fully understand or appreciate. See -- --
Gerald Oros, OrosCo Product Specialties, Collinsville, IL, November 30, 2005

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