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January 18, 2009 -- 11:30am EST

Glad to be of Service!
In response to my recent post about Jane Brody's misleading article in the New York Times, an article that one might see as upsetting to a stent patient, reader BC (not me) writes in:

Thank you!, Thank you! I was one of those misled by what I had read in the popular press (additional articles aside from Ms. Brody’s latest) and was feeling awful on both counts: that I had had the stents put in and that I had to keep taking those awful meds with their associated awful side effects.

You really put me at ease,
Which lowers my blood pressure,
Which puts me at lower risk for another “coronary event.”

The reader, by the way, had a heart attack a year-and-a-half ago, and two bare-metal stents inserted in a very critical artery to prevent "another coronary event". He also made lifestyle changes and feels better today than he has in years. He also continues reading the New York Times.

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