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Bioaborbable Stents

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Does anyone have any information on the bioabsorbable stents? Are they being used enough to have a "track record?"

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Current Postings on This Page (7):

• Jinesh - The bioresorbable stent is indicated for use in certain circumstances. Complex anatomy, small arteries, etc. present challenges for it. The good news is that the newest generation of metallic drug-eluting stents, which can be used in a greater variety of situations, perform very well and have very low complication rates. In studies to date they have performed as well as, if not better, than the bioresorbable device. Your cardiologist can discuss with you if a bioresorbable stent might be desirable.
Angioplasty.Org Staff, Angioplasty.Org, July 25, 2016

• I had a heart attack before 30 days. My age is 50 1 [artery] is 90% block. Doc suggest me for angioplasty with 1 metallic stent. Can I go for bioabsorbable stent? Is it good? I need experts advice.
Jinesh, vpi, Gujarat, INDIA, July 24, 2016

• The Abbott Absorb bioabsorbable vascular scaffold was approved by the FDA on July 5. For more information and commentary on this device, read our two-part feature: Part One and Part Two.
Angioplasty.Org Staff, Angioplasty.Org, July 24, 2016

• I want to know how many drug eluting and bare metal stent used in india and usa and europe..also want to know about biodegradable stent
Kevin P., Hempstead, London, UK, August 28, 2014

• Metal stents have been used for many years and are FDA Approved. New absorbable stents have come in the market in the last few years. Though they sound good, they are not FDA approved. Which type of stents are better? Is it safe to use a product which is not FDA approved?
What are better - metal stents or absorbable ones? INDIA, May 31, 2014

• Dr. R -- there are no biodegradable stents currently on the market, either inside or outside of the U.S. Abbott Vascular has been in clinical trials on one device (the ABSORB trial), Biotronic has been working one, but has reformulated and is restarting its effort. And there are others, but the big problem is the timing of the absorption back into the body -- if it happens too soon, the stent hasn't done it's work; if too late, then the stent encounters similar problems with thrombosis as the current crop.
Angioplasty.Org Staff, Angioplasty.Org, December 5, 2008

• Does anyone have any information on the biodegradable stents? Are they being used enough to have a "track record"? After experiencing new symptoms I just had an abnormal stress echo and go for cath in 6 days. I expect an LAD lesion noted 11 months ago when i got my second set of drug eluting stents in my RCA and Circ has progressed (still no risk factors identified for my disease). I would love to have something put in that would eventually allow more distention in the artery walls as at age 56 I want to continue to be athletically active. Thank you for anything anyone can pass along.
Dr. R., Pennsylvania, USA, December 5, 2008

































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