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Flying After Catheterization or Angioplasty

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Can I fly after a catheterization, angioplasty or stent procedure?

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Current Postings on This Page (9):

• baf6591 in Australia -- First of all, you should consult the interventional cardiologist who placed the stent. He/she knows your husband's clinical condition, anatomy, length and placement of stent, etc. and is the best person to discuss this with. Stent collapse is quite rare. A blood clot in the stent, called stent thrombosis, can occur -- but is a low frequency event. Rates after the first month are quite low and are often associated with discontinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy (clopidogrel and aspirin). If a stent thrombosis occurs, it is usually acute -- that is, it happens very quickly. Given that you'd be in an airplane for a long period of time, perhaps the cardiologist may have some suggestions for altering the dose, etc. Let The Forum know how things work out.
Angioplasty.Org Staff, Angioplasty.Org, October 14, 2012

• My 47 year old partner just had to have an angioplasty due to shortness of breath the angioplasty they found the left main was widely patent, left anterior descending had severe stenosis, left circumflex PDA moderate disease, right coronary artery widely patent...what i can see on the notes it says PCI to LAD with drug eluting stent, he has been discharged on Atorvastatin, Clopidogrel and Aspirin, plus Ramipril. As we were due to travel from Australia to USA in a few weeks we have found we cant get cover for travel insurance, my husband is prepared to take the chance that nothing untoward will occur as the stent has improved his situation and he has medication. My concern is what if the stents collapse or cause a blood clot. Maybe you can give me some indication of the odds of this occurring and if it did occur would it be instantly dangerous or would we have enough time to return home back to Australia. If its something we would have to pay for in USA what sort of fees would we be looking at
baf6591, Perth, Australia, October 14, 2012

• My 63 yr old husband had five stents inserted yesterday morning (via his wrist, not groin) and plans to fly off to Germany 48 hours later. I am worried as he is not insured for health cover in Germany esp so soon after this procedure. We have had a huge argument. He told me that his surgeon said it would be OK. How can I persuade him not to go?
CG, Oxford, UK, November 3, 2009

•Carol -- these are questions you should ask your cardiologist -- but from what we've heard, six weeks shouldn't be a problem, assuming there are no complications or other concerns that your cardiologist might have (that's why this -- or any other "remote" comments cannot be taken as medical advice).
Angioplasty.Org Staff, Angioplasty.Org, July 10, 2009

• is it safe to fly short trip 6 weeks after having stent put in both the wrist and the groin used?
Carol M., United Kingdom, June 29, 2009

• Is it safe to fly a week after an angioplasty and stent placement?
Ban, Washington, USA, May 5, 2008

• Hi Please be careful in lifting anything heavy (over 2kgs) No stretching to the overhead locker etc. Take it easy NO LIFTING BAGS
TM, United Kingdom, March 4, 2008

•Lizzie -- we don't give out specific medical advice, and we're not sure what we could say that would be more definitive than your cardiologist saying "fine". That being said, if you have had no complications, and especially no bleeding complications, you should be ok. The only problem we see would be an undetected complication -- which is rare. Did you have a femoral or radial cath?
Angioplasty.Org Staff, Angioplasty.Org, March 4, 2008

• Had a cardiac catheterisation yesterday afternoon, and want to know how safe it is to do a long haul flight 72 hours later. Arteries appear clear. The doctor says it should be 'fine' but I feel I need something more definitive.
Lizzie, UK, March 4, 2008

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