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Insurance and Stents

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Has anyone had problems with their insurance companies? Since 2 stents within 6 months mine is asking for more information?
J.A., Texas, USA

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• Tom (and others) -- Since this topic got started a couple years ago, the Federal government enacted the Affordable Care Act which has a Pre-Existing Insurance Condition Plan (PICP) which is described, as follows:

"A Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) will provide new coverage options to individuals who have been uninsured for at least six months because of a pre-existing condition. States have the option of running this new program in their state. If a state chooses not to do so, a plan will be established by the Department of Health and Human Services in that state. This program serves as a bridge to 2014, when all discrimination against pre-existing conditions will be prohibited."

To find out the details and costs in your state, you can go to the government's web site. For example, your state of Kentucky is here: We hope this helps you and others take advantage of this new coverage. (We've put a link to the U.S. government information web site on the right.)
Angioplasty.Org Staff, Angioplasty.Org, April 6, 2011

• I had a stent over 9 years ago. Now I have found that for the first time I will have to shop for Health Insurance. I have found that no Insurance Company will take me. Does anybody have a suggestion? Is there any company that will write affordable coverage?
Tom, Paducah, Kentucky, USA, April 6, 2011

• New question........... Has anyone had problems with their insurance companies? Since 2 stents within 6 months mine is asking for more information, I feel that I have enough to worry about and my insurance paying should not be another worry
J.A., Texas, USA, April 10, 2009

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