Dr. Ferdinand Kiemeneij
I’ve written about this before, when Dr. Ferdinand Kiemeneij let me know back in April that this year was the 20th anniversary of the first angioplasty and stent placement performed via the radial artery in the wrist.
The procedure was done by Dr. Kiemeneij in The Netherlands — and it was exactly twenty years ago today when Dr. Kiemeneij taught the band to play!
And play it has. Many countries in the world now do the majority of interventional procedures via the wrist artery — and, alas, the United States is far behind the curve. Less than 10% of procedures are done this way here — but that too is changing.
And we’ve written about this phenomenon before as well — many times. Just read through the articles in Angioplasty.Org’s Transradial Approach Center.
But this, being a special week in the annals of TRI, we will be featuring a number of articles on the transradial approach, including a three-part exclusive interview with Dr. Kiemeneij himself.
First, however, we would like to pass along a special gift — one fashioned by Dr. Kiemeneij for the community of interventionalists around the world. It’s Dr. Kiemeneij’s iPhone/iPad app, called TRIbune — and you can get it for free here: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id544214293
The app contains courses, articles, videos, and a news section, all devoted to TRI. We’ll also be posting an in-depth review of the app later this week.
Gelukkig Jaarfeest! Bon anniversaire! Happy Anniversary!