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September 22, 2009 -- 1:20pm PDT

SRO at the Wrist Angioplasty Seminar -- Transradial is Hot

Radial SeminarSo I'm standing outside of Room 120 at the TCT in San Francisco, where "The Transradial Angiography and Intervention Seminar" just started at 1:00pm. Except that I can't get in!! The room is full: all seats taken and cardiologists standing two deep against the back wall. And the corridor outside is similarly packed with physicians watching the presentations on the remote TV (see photo). In just the short time since I started writing this, the crowd outside has doubled.

Organizers have told me that Thursday night's satellite symposium on Transradial already has 400 people signed up.

Transradial (wrist) angioplasty is performed 40-50% or more around the world, but less than 5% in the U.S. From the interest being shown, especially at this year's TCT, this situation will soon change...and more quickly than expected, I predict.

For more information about the transradial technique, check out the "Radial Access Center" on Angioplasty.Org.

Radial Seminar Room 2(Late Update at 2:25pm): So many people in the corridor that TCT opened up another room to handle the overflow. No one could get through the radial crowd to get into the other meetings. The original room held 130 people. Estimated total attendence: 375.)

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