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Still Having Angina Pain After Stent

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Had a heart attack and stents placed, but I still have pain. What is going on?

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• I am 47 year old male, very athletic but 5 months ago I had a heart attack/my left ventricle artery was 100% occluded/ and 2 regular metal stents were placed in my middle LAD. It was a big shock for everybody, especially for me, since my cholesterol was 170 at that time and even during my heart attack my blood pressure was 124/80. Plus genetically nobody has had or died of heart attack among my relatives. I do not eat fried or fast food so my diet was generally ok. My pain never stopped after that- I was experiencing constant chest pressure and shortness of breath but my doctor here did not pay any attention. He was saying that “etiology of my pain is not known but it shouldn’t be anything cardiac since my stress test was ok”.On 01/01/10 I ended up in the emergency room with re-stenosis /one of the stents was clogged 99% and another stent was placed inside of those two. This time was Xience 5- drug eluted stent that went inside other two. The doctor started paying a little attention and even apologize that he did not listen to me. Since then/it’s been two months/ I continue to experience the same problems. Every day I have pain- it doesn’t matter if I exercise or just sit in my office. The pain may start in the middle of the chest but moves to right or left, goes to back/upper part only/ and my shoulders/. Right above my breast bones hurt sometimes more and it is very tender to touch. Before I had my heart attack, I have never experienced anything like that- everything started after the stents were placed. Two days ago I went to the emergency room again- had shortness of breath and pain in my chest and both arms. The troponin levels were normal- the only thing was that my heart rate was elevated but I was discharged. As of today the pain still continues. With approval of my doctor I stopped the statin/ Simvastatin/ because thought that this could be the source of the pain but nothing changed so far. I am taking Lisinopril, Plavix, Aspirin/325 mg/, Carvedilol plus some supplements including Fish Oil. Any suggestions or comments will be greatly appreciated- I can not function normally? Just would like to mention that back in 1995 I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s, went through vigorous radiation therapy and both the cardiologist and oncologist think that this could be radiation induced heart attack. The latest CT scan showed no abnormalities. Thank you again and sorry for the long message.
Anatoly P., Renton, Washington, USA, March 13, 2010

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