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Bicuspid Aortic Valve

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I'm 31 years old and just yesterday found out I have a bicuspid aortic valve. I was told that for now there is nothing that can be done other than to monitor it over the years.... I am coming here looking for some solace, someone else that may have the same issue, and how to live with this.

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Current Postings on This Page (109):

• Ahmed in Iraq -- There are two methods for repairing aortic heart valves: open surgery and minimally invasive TransAortic Valve Implantation (TAVI). TAVI is performed much like angioplasty, usually by a cardiologist or surgeon, but requires specialized training and experience. We can't make a recommendation for you, but we found an article in the European Heart Journal, profiling a Dr. Aram J. Mirza at the Slemani Cardiac Hospital in Kurdistan who performed the first TAVI in Iraq. The article is four years old, but perhaps you could inquire to that doctor for help or a recommendation of someone closer to you. Best wishes for a solution!
Angioplasty.Org Staff, Angioplasty.Org, June 15, 2022

• Anybody here for help me please I have moderate leaky bicuspid AR valve which already was recently diagnosed. After Covid-19 infection Jun 2021, the blood flow backward becomes severe condition with mild dilated LV, as mentioned in echocardiogram report. I need help please If anybody has repaired leaky bicuspid valve and the surgery successful.
Cardiology and Bicuspid aortic valve, Ahmed, Iraq-Baghdad, June 15, 2022

• Dear TooYoung - About 2% of the population is born with a bicuspid aortic valve (2 leaflets in the valve, instead of 3). It runs in families. Many patients never develop symptoms or complications from them, but some do, and those can be treated very successfully with valve replacement surgery or, more recently, even a TAVR, a valve that is placed without open surgery through a small puncture in the leg (groin). Mick Jagger recently had a TAVR done back in April 2019 and was back rehearsing in full force a month later. Definitely monitoring your situation over time is important, so keep the conversation open with your cardiologist. We understand your impulse to "fix it now," but the reality is that all valves, mechanical, biologic, or TAVR may need replacement after a number of years, so having a surgery at age 31, unless symptoms or imaging show a need, is probably not the best option. Here's a link to a page and video with 2 surgeons from the Cleveland Clinic that might be of interest. Also note that the technology of valve replacement is improving constantly, even since this video was made. Just last week, the FDA expanded the indications for who could receive a TAVR
Angioplasty.Org Staff, Angioplasty.Org, August 23, 2019

• Hello everyone. I'm new to this page and don't really know how exactly it works. I'm 31 years old and just yesterday found out I have a bicuspid aortic valve. I was told that for now there is nothing that can be done other than to monitor it over the years. As someone who is very proactive with "taking care of things right away", it's hard for me to accept that I am powerless to this disease and that I essentially have to wait years before getting surgery. I feel like there is something I should be doing in the meantime, taking something that may slow progression of the disease, anything... but from what I have been told there is simply nothing I can do. I guess I am coming here looking for some solace, someone else that may have the same issue, and how to live with this. Thank you.
TooYoungForThisCrap, Pennsylvania, USA, August 23, 2019



































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