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Transradial Hospital Locator - Outside U.S.

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For Patients:
Where can I find a doctor who practices the radial or wrist approach to angiograms and angioplasty? Listed below alphabetically by country are hospitals that have sent us their information. Please note that outside of the U.S., many, if not most, hospitals offer transradial access for percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and angiograms. You can also go to our listing of transradial hospitals in the United States.

  For Doctors:
SIGN UP HERE. If your hospital offers this service, but is not listed below, please use this form to add your hospital or make changes in your current listing. There is no charge for this listing.

Algeria: (back to top)

CHU Hospital Khellil Amrane
Route de l'Hôpital
Béjaïa 06000
attn: Bouzghaia Saad-Eddine, MD
phone: +213 56 17 93 048

Argentina: (back to top)

Clinica IMA Adrogué
Segui 593
1846 Adrogué
Buenos Aires
attn: Carlos Fernandez Pereira, MD, PhD - senior staff
phone: +54 11 4214-5555
Call to number 401 or 193 Interventional Cardiology Dept.

Clínica Sagrada Familia
José Hernandez 1642
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
attn: Mario Montoya, MD -  Interventional cardiologist
phone: +54 11 6343-7800

Hospital Alemán
Pueyrredón 1640
Buenos Aires C1118AAT
attn: Jose A. Alvarez, MD - Head of Interventional Cardiology
phone: +54 11 4827-7244

Hospital Italiano De Buenos Aires
Perón 4190
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires 1199
attn: Fernando Cohen, MD - Associate physician
phone: +54 11 4959 0200

Hospital Universitario Fundación Favaloro
Dr. Oscar Mendiz (professional web site)
Avda Belgrano 1746
Buenos Aires 1093

attn: Oscar Mendiz, MD, FACC, SCAI - Chief, Interventional Cardiology
phone: +541143781359

ICBA, Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires
Av. del Libertador 6302
Buenos Aires 1428
attn: Gustavo Pedernera, MD - Interventional cardiologist
phone: +54 4787 7500
twitter_handle: icbaonline, gopedernera
El 90% de los procedimientos son por acceso radial.

Otamendi Hospital
Azcuénaga 870
Buenos Aires
attn: Carlos Fernandez Pereira, MD, PhD - senior staff

phone: +54 11 4964-8721

Sanatorio de la Trinidad Mitre
Bartolomé Mitre 2553
Buenos Aires 1039
attn: Juan Pablo De Brahi, MD - interventional cardiologist, staff junior
phone: 054 011 49547070

Sanatorio General Sarmiento
Av. Presidente Juan Domingo Perón 1796
B1663GHT - Buenos Aires
attn: Sergio Caldiroli, MD - Interventional cardiologist
phone: +(54) 911 3596 3342
twitter_handle: @sercocoli

Instituto de Cardiología de Corrientes Juana F. Cabral
Bolivar 1334
Código Postal 3400
Corrientes Capital
attn: Adolfo G. Lopez Campanher - Staff medical Catheterization Laboratory
phone: +54 (0379) 441 00 00

Hospital Privado Universitario de Córdoba
Av. Naciones Unidas 346
Córdoba 5014
attn: Adolfo Ferrero Guadagnoli, MD
phone: +54 (0351) 468-8869
twitter_handle: @Adolfoferrero
Most of low profile procedures are done by transradial access. Coronary intervention and also peripheral intervention (carotid, renal, iliac, mesenteric). That allows same day discharge after PTA.

Sanatorio Allende Cerro
5749 Pedro Simón Laplace
Córdoba 5000
attn: Nicolas Zaderenko, MD - interventional cardiologist
phone: 0810 555 2553

Fundación Médica de Río Negro y Neuquén
Menguelle 273
Río Negro 8324 
attn: Pedro Luis Urdiales, MD - Intervención al Cardiologist/Chief
phone: 0810 666 4624

Hospital Italiano
Virasoro 1249
2000 Rosario, Santa Fe
attn: Anibal Gentiletti, MD
phone: +54 341.642.4658

Instituto Cardiovascular de Rosario
BB Oroño 450
Rosario, Santa Fe
2000 Argentina
attn: Leandro Lasave - Staff
phone: +54 341 4203062

Australia: (back to top)

The Townsville Hospital
100 Angus Smith Drive
Douglas QLD 4814
attn: Dr. Ryan Schrale - Senior Staff Specialist
phone: 07 4433 1111

The Mater Hospital Townsville
21-37 Fulham Road
Suite 104, Level 1
Pimlico QLD 4812
attn: Dr. Ryan Schrale - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: 07 4727 4020

Austria: (back to top)

University Heart Center Graz, Medical University Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 15
8036 Graz 
attn: Gabor G Toth MD PhD - Head of Coronary Program
phone: (+43) 316 385 12544

Bahrain: (back to top)

MKCC Bahrain Defence Force Hospital
999 Riffa
attn: Husam Noor, MD - Director, Cardiac Cath Labs
phone: +97317766096
twitter_handle: @HusamNoor1
We also perform complex CTO cases

Belgium: (back to top)

CHU Saint-Pierre / UMC Sint-Pieter
Rue Haute, 322
1000 Brussels
attn: Rachid Briki, MD
phone: +32 (0)2 535.33.51

Bolivia: (back to top)

Avenida Irala 567
Santa Cruz de la sierra, santa cruz 591
attn: Ignacio Vaca MD - Cardiologyst-Hemodinamist
phone: +59177390530
We are the one and only radial center in Bolivia

Brazil: (back to top)

Hospital Dona Helena
Rua Blumenau, 123
Joinville, Santa Catarina
Brazil 89204-205
attn: Dimitri Mikaelis Zappi, MD
phone: +55 47 34513405

Instituto Santiste de Hemodinâmica
Avenida Conselheiro Nébias nº 644 - 1º andar
Santos, São Paulo
attn: Luiz Claudio Mendes Carvalho -- Director
phone: +551332212625

Canada: (back to top)

London Health Sciences Centre, Western University
339 Windermere Road
London, Ontario  N6A5A5
attn: Rodrigo Bagur, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: (+1) 519-685-8500
twitter_handle: @RodrigoBagur

Chile: (back to top)

Hospital Hernán Henriquez Aravena
Manuel Montt #115
Temuco 4780000
attn: Carlos Olivares Asencio, MD
phone: (+56) 45 2558 947
twitter_handle: @TEMUCOHHHA
"Cuidemos nuestro Hospital"

Clínica Alemana Valdivia
Beauchef 765
attn: Ana Dussaubat, MD - Interventional cardiologist
phone: +56 63 2246 100

Colombia: (back to top)

Instituto del Corazón de Bucaramanga
Carrera 28 #40-11
Bucaramanga, Santander 68003
attn: Boris Vesga - Interventional cardiologist
phone: (+57) 7 6329200
twitter_handle: @borisvesga
Our interventional group: Héctor Hernández, Boris Vesga, Monica Hernández, and Alejandro Sánchez

Clínica Nuestra. Instituto Cardiovascular del Tolima
Calle 60 Varsovia
Ibagué, Tolima 472
attn: Víctor G. Aldana - Chief interventional cardiology
phone: +57 316 4307757
95% of procedures are performed by TRA, including STEMI significantly decreasing vascular complications

Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación
Calle 64 No. 51 D-38
Medellín, Antioquia
attn: Juan Andrés Delgado, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: (57-4) 444 1333

Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación
Calle 64 - No. 51 D-164
Medellin, Antioquia 05001000
attn: Juan Senior, MD, MSc, FACP - Cardiólogo Intervencionista

Angiografia de Occidente - Clinica La Estancia
Calle 15N # 2-350
Popayan, Cauca 190001
attn: Miller Giraldo, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +5728331000
email: mgiraldo AT angiografiadeoccidente DOT com DOT co

Croatia: (back to top)

University Hospital Split
Soltanska 1
Split 21000
attn: Lovel Giunio, MD, PhD -- Chief, Invasive Lab
phone: +385 21 557 225

Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka
T. Strizica 3
Rijeka, PGZ
attn: Vjekoslav Tomulic, MD - Head of Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory
phone: +385 51 407 129
TRA dedicated (over 95% of all patients)

Zagreb University Hospital Center
Department of Cardiovascular Diseases
Kispaticeva 12
Zagreb, Croatia 10000
attn: Josko Bulum, MD
phone: +38512388888

Cuba: (back to top)

Cardiocentro Ernesto Che Guevara
Calle Cuba 610
Santa Clara, 50200
Villa Clara
attn: Francisco L Moreno-Martínez, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +53(42)272162

Cyprus: (back to top)

Ygia Polyclinic, Private Hospital
Nafpliou 21
3025 Limassol
attn: : Georgios Panayi MD
phone: +357 25 884702

Dominican Republic: (back to top)

Calle Federico Velázquez 1
Santo Domingo
Distrito Nacional 10302
Dominican Republic
attn: Carlos Garcia Lithgow, MD - chief interventional cardiology
attn: Ricardo Perez Pandelo - Staff Cath lab CECANOT
phone: (809) 681-0080 ext 522
CECANOT is a specialized hospital for poor people, include Neurosurgery, Cardiology and Ophthalmology

Ecuador: (back to top)

Clinica Guayaquil
Padre Aguirre 401 y General Córdova
Guayaquil 090313
attn: Erwin Tellez, MD - Interventional Cardiologist - vice chief
phone: +593 9-866-89911
Clinica Guayaquil is the first hospital in Guayaquil in performing the radial aproach for diagnostic and interventional cardiology procedures. We made more than 7,000 procedures.

Hospital Alcívar
Coronel 2301 Entre Cañar y Azuay
Guayaquil EC090101
attn: Antonio Semiglia Di Lorenzo - Cardiólogo Intervencionista
phone: +593984538141

Hospital Luis Vernaza
Loja 700 y Escobedo
Guayaquil, Guayas  090306
attn: Rafael Portaluppi, MD
phone: +(593) 4 256-0300
twitter_handle: @jbgorg
We perform 300 procedures per year, 50 are coronary angioplasty, 90% radial, 50-60% ld (or rd) TRA

18th Street and 37th Avenue
Manta 130802
attn: Gustavo Hidalgo, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +593 5 262 2805
twitter_handle: @ghidalg

Egypt: (back to top)

Hayat Hospital
6 Menes Street
Korba, Heliopolis
Cairo 11361
attn: Hany Ragy, MD - Director of Cath lab
phone: +20 2 2419 4429
twitter_handle: @hragy
Providing 24/7 PPCI, Radial approach, State of the art Cath lab and CCU in Cairo

Nasr City Hospital
33 Yousef Abbas St
Nasr City, Cairo
attn: Hazem Elshenawy - Interventional Cardiologist

Dar Al Fouad Hospital
26 July St., The Touristic Zone
6th of October City
Giza 12568
phone: 00202-38247247 or 00202-38247248
attn: Dr. Ahmed Torki - Interventional Cardiology Fellow
The Hospital is JCI accredited

France: (back to top)

Clinique Des Cedres
Chateau d'Alliez
rte de Mondonville
31700 Cornebarrieu
attn: Dr Stéphane Tauzin
phone: +33562133181

Nouvelles Cliniques Nantaises
2 rue Éric Tabarly
44000 Nantes
attn: Dr. Bressollette
phone: +33 228 255 115

Germany: (back to top)

Klinikum Landkreis Erding
Bajuwarenstrasse 5
Bavaria 85435
attn: Lorenz Bott-Flügel - Chief Internal Medicine Cardiology
phone: +49 8122 59-0

Sana Krankenhaus Benrath
Urdenbacher Allee 83
40593 Dusseldorf
attn: Rostyslav Prog, MD - Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +49 (0) 211 2800-1221

Rottal-Inn-Klinik Eggenfelden
Simonsöder Allee 20
84307 Eggenfelden
attn: Gerhard Muth, MD  - Chefarzt Kardiologie
phone: +49 8721 983 7301
twitter: @gerhardmuth
More than 90% radial approach, including PCI. Ambulant catheters possible.

Klinikum Hanau
Leimenstr 20
Hanau 63450
attn: Dr. Johannes Feuerbach -- interventional cardiologist
phone: +49-6181-2964181

Asklepios Klinik Hamburg Barmbek
Ruebenkamp 220
Hamburg 22307
attn: Karsten Schenke, MD
Gerian Groenefeld, MD - Head of Department
phone: +49 18 1882 4811
Over 10 years of transradial experience.

Klinikum Herford
Schwarzenmoorstraße 70
32049 Herford
attn: Krzysztof Pujdak, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: 05221 94 0
twitter_handle: @KPujdak

Heart Center Leipzig at the University of Leipzig
Strümpellstraße 39
04289 Leipzig
attn: Prof. Holger Thiele - Director of Cardiology
phone: 0341 865-0
Tertiary center for adult and children cardiology and cardiac surgery

St. Martinus-Hospital
Hospitalweg 6
57462 Olpe
attn: Andrzej Wierucki, MD - Interventional cardiologist
phone: 02761-850
twitter_handle: @AndrzejWierucki

HELIOS Universitätsklinikum Wuppertal Herzzentrum
Arrenberger Straße 20
42117 Wuppertal
attn: Marc M. Vorpahl - attending cardiologist
phone: +49 202 896 0
twitter_handle: @MarcVorpahl

Greece: (back to top)

Euroclinic Athens
Athanasiadou 9
Athens 11521
attn: Dimitrios Athanasias - Chief, Department of Interventional Cardiology
phone: +30 6944780940
twitter: @DAthanasias

General Hospital of Athens "Hippocratio"
1st Univ Department of Cardiology
114 Vas Sofias Avenue
Athens 11526
attn: George Latsios, MD - Consultant Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +30 213 2088 926

Red Cross Hospital
1 Athanasaki str
Athens, Greece 11526
attn: Michael Koutouzis, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +306972321536

India: (back to top)

SPARSH Hospital - Infantry Road
No 146, Infantry Road, opp. Police Commissioners Office
Bangalore 5600001
attn: Kumar Kenchappa, MD - Chief Intervention Cardiologist
phone: 080 61222000
twitter_handle: @kumarkenchappa

Artemis Health Institute
Sector 51
Gurgaon - 122001
Haryana, INDIA
attn: Dr. (Col) Manjinder Sandhu, Director - Cardiology
phone: +911246767999

Escorts Kalyani Heart Center, Gurgaon
MG Road
Gurgaon, Haryana, India 11122001
attn: Dr. Sanjay Chugh -- Senior Consultant and Head of Transradial Program
phone: 0091-9810576690
We run training courses and host a national radial meet annually. This year it is a world radial meet.

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Narayana Superspeciality Hospital
Kakryal (Village & Post) Katra Tehsil Reasi District
Jammu and Kashmir
India 182320
attn: Sushant Kumar, MD -- Consultant Cardiologist
phone: (+91) 908 604 3335

Vikram Hospital and Heart Care
No.46, Vivekananda Road
Yadavgiri, Mysore
Karnataka, India 570020
attn: J Rajagopal, MD -- Arun Srinivas, MD -- CB Keshavamurthy, MD -- Guru Prasad HP, MD -- Interventional Cardiologists
phone: 91-9686667888

Little Flower Hospital & Research Institute
Angamaly, Kochi
Kerala, India  683572
attn: Dr. Sajan Narayanan - Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +91-484-309-6666

Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi
Okhla Road, New Friends Colony
New Delhi, India 110025
attn: Dr. Sanjay Chugh -- Senior Consultant and Head of Transradial Program
phone: +91 98 1057 6690
attn: Nishith Chandra, MD - Director Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +91 98 1016 3328
twitter_handle: @NishithChandra
A state of art suite of five cath labs, with round the clock availability of radial interventionalists. We run training courses and host a national radial meet annually.

Indus Hospital, Visakhapatnam
FACOR Layout, Waltair Uplands
Flat-501, Srinilaya
Andhra Pradesh 530003
attn: Anil Kumar Mahapatro, MD - Consultant Cardiologist
phone: +91 97015 06921

IQ City Narayana Multispeciality Hospital
Sovapur, Bijra Road
Jemua, Durgapur
West Bengal, India 713206
attn: Indranil Dev, MD - Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiology
phone: 9800675017
Interventional cardiologists are available 24x7

Indonesia: (back to top)

Siloam Hospital Lippo Village
6 Siloam Street, Lippo Village
Tangerang 15811
attn: Emanoel Oepangat MD - Cardiologist, consultant in interventional cardiology
phone: +62 21 5460055

National Cardiac Center Harapan Kita
Jl.Let Jend S. Parman Kav 87
Slipi, Jakarta  11420
attn: Isman Firdaus, MD, FIHA, FESC, FSCAI - Interventional Cardiologist Consultant
phone: 6281319990688
National Cardiac Center Harapan Kita Hospital is the top referral hospital in Indonesia with more than 9,000 interventional procedures per year and the first TRI center in the Region

Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina (Pertamina Central Hospital)
Jl. Kyai Maja No.43, RT.4/RW.8
Kec. Kby. Baru
Kota Jakarta Selatan
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12120
attn: Sidhi Laksono, MD - Consultant in Interventional Cardiology
phone: (+62) 21 7219000

Italy: (back to top)

Ospedali Riuniti Bergamo
Largo Barozzi, 1
Bergamo, Italy 24128
attn: Orazio Valsecchi, MD -- Interventional Cath Lab Director
phone: 39035266916
Ten years experience in radial approach; primarily PCI elderly patients; more than 6,000 procedures by single operator

P.O. Villa Sofia Palermo
Piazza Salerno 1
Palermo, Italy 90146
attn: Giuseppe Migliore, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: 00390927804054

Ospedale degli Infermi
Strada Rivalta 29
Rivoli, Italy 10098
attn: Francesco Tomassini, MD -- Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +39 011.9551421

San Filippo Neri Hospital
Via Giovanni Martinotti 20
Roma, Italy 00152
attn: Christian Pristipino, MD
phone: +39 06 33062504

Japan: (back to top)

Saitama Medical University/Saitama Medical Center
1981 Kamoda
Kawagoe, Saitama  350-8550
attn: Takashi Matsukage, MD, PhD - Professor/Chief Director of Cardiology
phone: +(81) 492-28-3411
Less Invasive PCI (ed. Dr. Matsukage is one of the pioneers of the "Slender" technique in Japan)

Mexico: (back to top)

Centenario Hospital Miguel Hidalgo
Galeana Sur No. 465
Colonia Obraje
Aguascalientes, Ags. 20000
attn: Luis Delgado, MD - Cardiology director
phone: 449 155 8348
twitter_handle: @cardiohh

Hospital Cardiologica Aguascalientes
República de Ecuador 200
Las Américas
20230 Aguascalientes, Ags.
attn: Guillermo Llamas Esperon, MD FACC FSCAI - Director
phone: +52 449 9154000

Sociedad Cardioneumologia de Cuore
Puebla, Puebls
Cholula, Puebla 72830
attn: Ruben Sanchez - Cardiologist
phone: 222-340-9282

Urgencias Cardiovasculares Chest Pain Center
J. Del Campo 248
Col. Nueva Vizacaya
Durango 34080 - DGO
attn: Ángel Ivan González Pacheco, MD -- Interventional Cardiologist
phone: (618) 840 63 47

Hospital Bité Medica
Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma #19
Mexico City  01330
attn: Enrico Macías Garrido, MD - Cath Lab Chief
phone: +52 55 3996 3804

twitter: @enricomaciasgar

Hospital Naval de Alta Especialidad
Calzada de la Virgen
Presidentes Ejidales 1 ta sección
Ciudad de México
Distrito Federal
attn: Miguel Ángel Millan Catalan, MD - Cardiólogo Intervencionista
phone: +52 55 2727 9228

Medica Sur
Puente de Piedra 150,
Toriello Guerra
México City 14050
attn: Neisser Morales Victorino, MD - Interventional Cardiologist.
phone: +52 (55) 54247200 Ext 4311

Hospital Vidriera Christus Muguerza
Calle Mariano Escobedo #1405 Norte
Colonia Treviño, C.P.
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon  64570
attn: Oddir Jauregui Ruiz, MD - Cath Lab Director
phone: +52 82 8328 1862

Hospital Ángeles San Luis Potosí
Antonio Aguilar 155, Col. Burócratas del Estado
78213 San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.
attn: Alejandro Zapata Ruiz, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: 55 449 09509
twitter: @dr_zapataruiz

Hospital Fatima
Blvd. Jiquilpan #639
81220 Los Mochis, Sinaloa
attn: Jaime Angulo, MD - Cathlab Director
phone: +52 016 688 169 000 ext (260)

Centro Medico Las Americas
Calle 56 Centro
97000 Merida, Yucatan 
attn: Alejandro Diaz, MD - Interventional Cardiology
phone: +52 999 930 2020

Imss Umae Mérida
Ex terreno Fenix
97000 Mérida, Yucatan 
attn: Alejandro Diaz, MD - Interventional Cardiology
phone: +52 999 922 5656 (ext 61320)

Netherlands: (back to top)

University Medical Center Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 100
3584 CX
attn: Pierfrancesco Agostoni MD, PhD -- interventional cardiologist
phone: +31887556167
4 operators performing any kind of complex percutaneous coronary intervention, mainly from the wrist approach (radial/ulnar)

Oman: (back to top)

Sultan Qaboos University Hospital
123 Al Khoudh, Muscat
attn: Dr. Adil B. Al-Riyami - Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Cardiac CathLab Director
phone: +968 2414 4816

Pakistan: (back to top)

Aga Khan University Hospital
Stadium Road
Karachi, Pakistan 74800
attn: Fahim H. Jafary, MD -- Consultant Cardiologist
phone: +922-1-3486-4700

Army Cardiac Centre, Combined Military Hospital, Lahore Cantt
Abdul Rehman Road
Lahore, Punjab  54810
attn: Fraz Ahmad, MD - Consultant Cardiologist
phone: +(92) 334 4422769
Transradial and distal transradial is my routine practice here in my centre for Elective, CTO  PCI and primary PCI. I have done over 400 cases through distal radial access.

Phillippines: (back to top)

St. Luke's Medical Center-Global City
Rizal Drive, Taguig City
The Medical City
Ortigas Avenue
Pasig City
Metro Manila 1600
Philippine Heart Center
East Avenue, Quezon City
attn: J. Edgar Villano, MD, FACC, FSCAI - Senior Transradial Interventionalist
phone: (632) 638-7954
Slender transradial/ulnar PCI and bilateral radial retrograde CTO interventions are being done at our institution.

Russia: (back to top)

City Clinical Hospital. I.V. Davydovsky
11, Yauzskaya Str.
Moscow 109240
attn: Vladimir Manchurov, MD

North-West State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov
191015, Kirochnaya ul. 41.
attn: Aleksandr Kaledin, MD
phone: +7 (812) 303-50-00


Saudi Arabia: (back to top)

Johns Hopkins Aramco Health
8131 Medical Access Rd No. 1
Gharb Al Dhahran
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia 31311
attn: Alaa Ujayli, MD FACC FSCAI - Chair, Heart and Vascular Institute
phone: 00963138778535

Doctor Soliman Fakeeh Hospital
Falastin, Al-Hamra'a
Jeddah 23323
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
attn: Amr Bannan, MD - Chairman, Cardiovascular Department
phone: +966 12 665 5000
twitter_handle: @Amr_T_Bannan

King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital
Tahlia Street
Jeddah, Western 21159
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
attn: Waqar H. Ahmed, MD -- Director of Cath Lab
Mirvat Alasnag, MD -- Deputy Head of Cardiology
phone: 012.665.3000
Performing TransRadial PCI for over 10 years.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center
Prince Saud Al Faisal Street
Jeddah  21499
Saudi Arabia
attn: Nabeel Ismaeil, MD - Consultant Adult Interventional Cardiologist
phone: (+96612) 667-7777
twitter_handle: @Nabeelosis

King Abdullah Medical City in Holy Capital Makkah
Makkah, Holy Makkah
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
attn: Osama Elkhateeb, MD - Director of Cardiac Center

King Salman Heart Center at King Fahad Medical City
As Sulimaniyah
Riyadh 12231 6552
Saudi Arabia
attn: Dr. Abdulrahman Alqahtani, MD, DABIM, FRCPC, FACC - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: (800) 127-7000
twitter_handle: @Dr_A_ALQahtani

Spain: (back to top)

Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña
As Xubias, 84
15006 A Coruña
attn: Xacobe Flores, MD, PhD
phone: +0034 981.178.000
Also practicing here are Dr. José Manuel Vázquez Rodríguez, Dr. Nicolás Vázquez González, Dr. Ramón Calviño Santos, Dr. Jorge Salgado Fernández, Dr. Pablo Piñon Esteban, and Dr. Guillermo Aldama López. The entire team comprises experienced and devoted "radialists" who have been doing radial for the last 15 years (more than 90% of procedures, including primary PCI).

Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago
Travesía da Choupana
15706 Santiago de Compostela
A Coruña
attn: Ramiro Trillo, MD - Director of Interventional Cardiology Department; also cath lab staff, Diego Lopez, Belén Cid, and Xoan Carlos Sanmartin
phone: +34 981 95 07 54
twitter_handle: @ramirotrillo

Complejo Hospitalario Torrecárdenas
Paraje Torrecardenas, s/n
04009 Almería
attn: Dr. Manuel Gómez Recio - Head of Cardiology
phone: +34 950 01 60 00

Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol
>> Cardiovascular Dept Website
Crta. de Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona
attn: Fina Mauri, MD PhD -- Director Interventional Cardiology Unit
phone: +34 93 497 89 89

Hospital Universitari Son Espases
C/Valldemosa 79
Palma de Mallorca
Baleares 07014
attn: Alfredo Gómez-Jaume, MD -- Interventional cardiologist
phone: 971175476
80% radial procedures And 50% ambulatory

Hospital de Jerez
circunvalación S/N
Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz
Spain 11407
attn: Javier Benezet MD, PhD - Head of Department

University General Hospital of Ciudad Real
Calle del Obispo Rafael Torija, s/n
13005 Ciudad Real
attn: Alfonso Jurado-Roman, MD - consultant at interventional cardiology unit
phone: +34 926 27 80 00

Policlinica del Rosario
C./ Vía Romana s/n
07800 Ibiza
Islas Baleares
twitter_handle: @grupopoliclinic
attn: Lucia Vera Pernasetti, MD
phone: +34 971 30 19 16
twitter_handle: @LPernasett
comment: In my opinion, all Spanish centers are “radialist”, at least in the last 6-8 years. I don't know of one that prefers femoral as the first option.

Hospital Universitario de León
Altos de Nava S/N
24071 - León
attn: Armando Perez de Prado, MD - Head, Interventional Cardiology
phone: +34 987 23 7400U
twitter: @foroic

Lucus Augusti University Hospital
Ulises Romero 1
Lugo, Galicia Lugo  27003
attn: Raymundo Ocaranza-Sanchez, MD, PhD
phone: +34 982 29 60 00
Interventional Cardiology Staff
Melisa Santas-Álvarez MD
Jeremias Bayon-Lorenzo MD

Hospital Universitario La Paz
Paseo de la Castellana 268
28046 Madrid
attn: Guillermo Galeote, MD - interventional cardiologist
phone: +34 91.727.70.00

Hospital Vithas Parque San Antonio
Avenida Pintor Sorolla, 2
29016 Malaga
attn: Sergio Mejia Viana, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +34 952.21.13.96

Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias
Avenida de Roma
33011 Oviedo
phone: +34 985 106 100
attn: Pablo Avanzas, MD, PhD, FESC - Interventional Cardiologist
twitter: @pabloavanzas
The entire team has been doing radial for the last 15 years, more than 80% of procedures, including primary PCI.

Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena
Avenida Doctor Fedriani, nº 3
41007 Sevilla
attn: Sergio Rodriguez de Leiras Otero, MD - Staff
phone: +34 95 500 80 00
twitter: @srdeleiras
5 operators performing high volume of coronary and peripheral interventions through transradial approach since 2006

Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe
Avinguda de Fernando Abril Martorell, 106
46026 València
attn: Jose L. Díez - Cath Lab Director
phone: +34 961 24 40 00
twitter: @JL_10_HILL

Sudan: (back to top)

Shab Teaching Hospital / Modern Medical Center
Altabya Street
attn: Ahmed Suliman, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: 00249916512386

Sweden: (back to top)

University Hospital Linköping
Garnisonsvägen 10, 581 85
attn: Georgios Panayi, MD
phone: +46 010 103 00 00

Thailand: (back to top)

Buddhachinaraj Hospital
90 Sri Dhammatripidok Road
Mueang Phitsanulok
Phitsanulok 65000
attn: Krissada Meemook, MD - Interventional cardiologist
phone: (+66) 5527 0300 Ext.17107
3 interventional cardiologists performing over 2,500 procedures each year with 90% transradial approach

Tunisia: (back to top)

University Hospital of Abderrahmen Mami
Department of Cardiology
Ariana  2080
attn: Faouzi Addad, MD - Professor
phone: 002698339269
98.5% of all procedures are done by TRA

Military Hospital of Tunis
Bab Alioua
Tunis 1008
attn: Professor Hajlaoui
phone: 00216 98 63 77 54
I perform radial approach for coronary angiogram and ptca since 2002; now I use radial access for almost 100% of the procedures in my center, where we perform almost 1200 coronary angiogram and 400 ptca per year

University Hospital Habib Thameur
8, Ali Ben Ayed Street, Montfleury
Tunis 1008
attn: Kais Mrabet, MD
phone: 00216 97 53 02 39

Turkey: (back to top)

Special TOBB-ETÜ Hospital
Yaşam Caddesi No:5 Söğütözü
Ankara 06510
attn: Aksuyek Savas Celebi, MD - cardiologist
phone: +90 (312) 292 99 00

Kayseri Education and Research Hospital
Hastane Cad.
Kayseri 38010
attn: Bahadir Sarli, MD - Assoc. Prof.
phone: +90 352 3368888 (2980)

Bayrampasa Kolan Hospital
Terazidere Mah. 60. Yil Cad No:3
34045 Bayrampasa
attn: Ayhan Olcay, MD (Associated Professor) and Kivanc Yalin, MD

Acibadem International Hospital
Yeşilköy, Istanbul  Caddesi No:82, 34149
attn: Egemen Duygu, MD - Cardiology specialist
phone: +90 212 468 4444

Gaziosmanpasa Medical Park
Çukurcesme caddesi
attn: Murat Turfan, MD - Associate Professor of Cardiology
phone: +90 (212) 979 30 00

Sanliurfa Mehmet Akif Inan Training and Research Hospital
Esentepe Mah. Ertugrul Cad.
Sanliurfa 63000
attn: Abdulselam Ilter, MD - Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +90 (414) 318 60 00

United Arab Emirates: (back to top)

Mediclinic City Hospital
Dubai Healthcare City
Dubai 11, United Arab Emirates
attn: Talib K Majwal, MD - Consultant interventional cardiologist
phone: +971-4-4359999

Rashid Hospital - Dubai Health Authority
Oud Metha
United Arab Emirates
attn: Dr Geili Abdalla - consultant interventional cardiologist
phone: +971 4 219 2473

United Kingdom: (back to top)

Birmingham City Hospital
Dudley Road
West MIdlands
B18 7QH
United Kingdom
attn: Derek Connolly, MD - Consultant Interventional Cardiologist
phone: 0121 507 3126
twitter_handle: @drderekconnolly
15 Consultants, 7 Interventionalists, 2 Professors and over 90% radial for the last 3 years (1200 procedures per year)

Blackpool Victoria Hospital
Whinney Heys Road
Blackpool FY3 8NR
United Kingdom
attn: Hossamaldin Abuomara, MD - Interventional fellow
phone: 01253 300 000

Croydon Heart Centre - Croydon University Hospital
530 London Road
Croydon CR7 7YE
United Kingdom
attn: Asif Qasim, MD - Consultant Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +(44) 208 401 3000
twitter_handle: @drasifqasim
Founder of MedShr - the medical network for doctors to share knowledge to save lives! Join over 900,000 doctors in 190 countries!

Bupa Cromwell Hospital
164-178 Cromwell Road
London SW5 0TU
United Kingdom
attn: Asif Qasim, MD - Consultant Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +(44) 20 7460 5700
twitter_handle: @drasifqasim
Founder of MedShr - the medical network for doctors to share knowledge to save lives! Join over 900,000 doctors in 190 countries!

King's College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
United Kingdom
attn: Asif Qasim, MD - Consultant Interventional Cardiologist
phone: +(44) 20 3299 9000
twitter_handle: @drasifqasim
Founder of MedShr - the medical network for doctors to share knowledge to save lives! Join over 900,000 doctors in 190 countries!

St. George's Hospital
Blackshaw Road
London SW17 0RE
United Kingdom
attn: Richard Bogle -- Consultant Cardiologist

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust - Pinderfields
Aberford Road
Wakefield WF1 4DG
United Kingdom
attn: Ramkumar Ramachandra, MD - Consultant Cardiologist
phone: 01924 541000

Uruguay: (back to top)

Centro Cardiológico Americano / Sanatorio Americano
Isabelino Bosch 2466 entre Av. Ponce y Campbell
12300 Montevideo
attn: Jorge Mayol, MD
phone: +598 2709 3734

Venezuela: (back to top)

Centro Clínico San Cristóbal
Av. Las Pilas, Urbanización Santa Inés cruce con Av. Guayana
San Cristóbal, Edo, Tachira  5001
attn: Julio Sánchez Largo, MD - Interventional Cardiologist