Jerry Lawler, announcing during a match in 2007 (courtesy Mshake3)
Jerry “The King’ Lawler, semi-retired professional wrestler, holder of 168 championships (reportedly) and commentator for WWE’s “Monday Night Raw” collapsed on September 10, during a live broadcast in Montreal, Canada.
62-year-old Lawler was having a heart attack.
EMTs performed CPR and defibrillated him (seven times, it is reported). He was revived and rushed to a Montreal hospital where he received an angioplasty with two stents.
A couple days later, his girlfriend, Lauryn McBride, shot this video of him in his hospital room, thanking fans around the world for their wishes. (By the way, those are not “wires coming out of him”, just EKG monitor leads band-aided on.)
Speaking of hospitals, comedy fans (as opposed to wrestling fans, although they are not mutually exclusive) may remember Lawler as Andy Kaufman’s formidable opponent. The two had a public feud over Kaufman’s wrestling women, and proclaiming himself the “Intergender Heavyweight Champion”. This led to a match in Memphis in which Lawler sent Kaufman to the hospital. (Lawler later appeared in Kaufman’s film, “Man on the Moon”, leading people to think that the so-called feud was perhaps a bit rigged.)
Best wishes to “The King” for a swift and full recovery!