I’m working on at least six different articles about the many studies presented at the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans yesterday and today, from new stents to transradial vs. femoral access, etc. etc. etc. and suddenly all of this is swept aside by an email that arrived in my Inbox seconds ago, posting the following to the topic of Heart Attack and Stents or Angioplasty on our Patients Forum:
I had a heart attack at 3:00am this morning. Wow that was scary. I had some minor tightness in my chest all week and didn’t really know what to think of it. Then at 3:00am I awoke to the sound of the rain outside my window. I got up to put away a few things that the kids left out in the rain and I broke into a very heavy cold sweat and started gasping for air. I felt some tightness in my chest and fell to the floor. I yelled for my wife to call 911 and to get me the aspirin bottle. I took three aspirin and waited on the floor for the ambulance. Fire trucks and ambo [ambulance] showed up and gave me oxygen and nitroglycerin and put me in the back of the ambo. In about ten minutes I was at the hospital. They did some tests and gave me some more meds. Then I was in the cath lab getting shaved for the procedure. All the while I’m gasping for air. They put in a stent and I have been resting since. I am meeting with the Cardiologist in the morning for more details on what happened. Right now I am just happy to be alive.
— Flyfishtom, Norwalk, Connecticut, USA
And that’s what it’s all about….