Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) has made its yearly announcement that it is looking for runners from around the world who have benefited from medical technology to participate in the company’s 6th Annual Medtronic Global Heroes program.
I “liked” this event on their Facebook page because the idea of people living their lives to the fullest after having a catastrophic medical crisis, and being rescued by modern medical technology, goes right to the (okay…pun coming…) heart of the matter.
For example, former honorary captain for this program is Alberto Salazar, a world-renown marathon champion. Salazar is 52 and in 2007 collapsed from sudden cardiac arrest. He was revived via CPR and received an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) to treat arrhythmia. He continues to train runners and had three participating in the Beijing Olympics. He is “committed to spreading the word about running and living safely with a chronic health condition.”
As I’ve written before, I am always amazed by the people who continue their athletic activities after having a device implanted (most could outrun me with no difficulty — but that’s another story…). Our Forum Topic, “Exercise, Sport, Physical Activity After Stent“, has the stories of scores of stent and heart patients who continue to run, ride horses, etc. We even recently connected with Kevin, an IronMan AAA stent graft athlete, who is continuing to train after receiving this life-saving device, although AAA Stent graft patients are not eligible for the Medtronic Marathon, at least not for now. Sorry, Kevin…but maybe next year!
Anyway, we applaud the invitation to heart patients. So often, after people discover they have coronary artery disease, a significant and understandable depression can set in: they feel their lives are over. Studies confirm that depression itself is a risk factor for heart disease. So it’s not just a PR event. It is clinically important — efficacious, as we say in the medical field — to see events like the Global Heroes Marathon.
To apply or recommend someone to be a 2011 Medtronic Global Hero, visit Good luck!